Our Doctors of Chiropractic offers a "modern" style of chiropractic care, based on the most recent scientific evidence, clinical experience, and patient preference.

The care begins with a thorough initial assessment as the basis for a comprehensive multimodal treatment plan. Every patient is educated on the specific injury and what to expect from the treatment. The plan of management involves measures of pain management, treatment and rehabilitation of most neuromusculoskeletal conditions, and finally preventive care. The treatments may include manual therapies, modalities, and exercise therapy as appropriate for the specific condition and patient.

Dr. Erinn McCreath Frangakis

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Dr. Kenneth Stelsoe

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Jinhyun (Jayden) Kim

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Enhanced Wellness Studio

470 Weber Street North, Suite 205C
Waterloo, ON
N2L 6J2



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Perimeter Institute

31 Caroline Street North,
Waterloo, ON
N2L 2Y5



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